Structural Repairs, June 2018
Structural Repairs
Bryer, Harbourne
June 2018
Structural Repairs
Selling their property, the Bryer’s were faced with a structural report showing repairs were required. The property built circa 1910, comprises solid load bearing walls and a pitched roof.
Front of Property

Rear of Property

Report Observations
Front of house
A diagonal crack to the front wall of the house below the right-hand bedroom window.
Right of house
Diagonal cracks above the landing window and vertical crack below the ground level toilet window.
Rear of house
No problems reported.
Cracks were discovered in the front and rear sitting rooms, toilet area, right hand bedroom and roof leaks are affecting the rear left-hand bedroom.
The suspended timber floors of the house generally drop towards the front wall by some 30mm.
Cracks to the skirting boards against the front wall and movement noted to skirting boards away from the rear wall.
Movement to the rear wall of the house away from the first floor floorboards.
Roof purlins poorly supported
Repair works to identified affected areas, to include Helibar, Bow Ties, Cem Ties, Lath and plastering and vertical supports to the loft area.
AllBritain Site Report.
Following the structural report, Ian visited the Bryer’s to complete a site survey of the highlighted areas and produced a free quotation and recommendations for the repairs.
Site Report Front of Property

Site Report

Site Report

The Work
The work took 5 days to complete. The house had been empty for some time, we were asked to provide repairs only as the new owner would be completely decorating the property once they move in.
Site Visit

Cracks Identified

Insufficient Support

Bow Ties Fitted

Repairs toCracks

Support to Purlins

The Bryer’s were delighted with the outcome and their purchaser obtained their mortgage in time for the sale to be completed.
Structural Completed Repair

Internal Completed Repair